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About the Artist

This website contains works of art created by Charles Lysogorski. Charles was born in 1950 and received his ASA in Industrial Design from Rochester Institute of Technology in 1970. In 1979 he graduated from the State University at New Paltz, NY with a BFA in painting. Charles moved to NYC in 1980, established a studio in SoHo and worked as the exhibition director for the Museum of Holography.
Charles settled in Shelburne VT in 1994. He has been active in the pursuit of the creative process throughout his career exploring several media including painting, drawing, printmaking, holography and ceramics.
Charles Lysogorski in his studio 2024
Over the years my painting process has involved the exploration of a theme without planning the imagery. The basic approach is to execute a combination of automatic painting and drawing, exploring compositional structural forms and color while developing the imagery as the work progresses. My works are figurative expressionism in nature in either a landscape, still life or portrait format. Creating artwork is not a choice for me but my center. It provides a way to express, vent, and stabilize my life experiences. Going to the studio every day, working out the next stage on each piece is paramount to my daily life.
Artist Statement
Recent Work

Recent Works
Sculpture Landscapes2015-24
The 2015-24 SCULPTURAL LANDSCAPES series uses simplified sculptural organic forms set in a landscape format exploring compositions and color. Draw a horizontal line and you have established a landscape format. I then create geometric or organic images which are simplification of actual objects. These forms are used to explore motion and tension in the painting. Each painting expresses a mood with visual forces directing the viewer throughout the work. Line, color and texture create an energy and life to the work. Many of the paintings contains forms which generate visualized stored energy.

Sculptural Landscape #194 52"X 40" Acrylic on Canvas 2024

Sculptural Landscape #195 52"X 40" Acrylic on Canvas 2024

Sculptural Landscape #185 16"X20" Acrylic on Paper 2016

Sculptural Landscape #194 52"X 40" Acrylic on Canvas 2024

Contact for additional information

Studio in Shelburne VT 2024
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